Tell Your Story

Your Lifestory is your Leadership Story

Your life and your leadership are not separate; they are chapters of the same story, written on the same pages and existing in co-dependance. How will you tell that story? I wille guide you.

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Tell your Story on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn is all about telling your story; if you don’t know quite what that story is, your voice can get lost in the crowd. We can help you produce a concise, streamlined ‘About Me’ that articulates who you are and what matters to you. For those who have no defining narrative, LinkedIn can be the ultimate poisoned chalice; by creating an inspired ‘About Me’ which tells your Story targeted to your next career step, we can write you an introduction befitting of someone ready to take their career to the next level.

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Tell your Story on Instagram


Instagram is the new frontier in business communications. In this age of sensationalism, failure to create an engaging Instagram ‘bio’ could see you fade into the background amidst stiff competition. If you’re struggling to present yourself in a way that will catch the eye of potential professional contacts, we can produce you an ABOUT ME as a foundation for your Instagram strategy which is tailored to show who you are in the first 30 seconds. We cut right to the heart of telling your story to discover what makes you tick; it’s our job to compose a ‘bio’ that shows to the outside world the core narrative that makes you different from the rest.

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Own your Stage

Public speaking can make even the most hardened extrovert nervous! Though we can’t promise an end to the sweaty palms, we can take the stress out of your Ted Talk by positing your story in a manner that will make your audience take note. We can help you deliver a dynamic speech that tells your audience what you stand for and why you deserve to be heard.

Tell your Story in your personal statement

When the race for a place at your dream university is on, you need to make sure you’re ahead of the competition. Whether you’re a first-generation university applicant or come from a long lineage of Oxbridge grads, the higher education process can be confusing. That’s why we’re in your corner to demystify the personal statement process and create the best possible advert for you as a leader of tomorrow. We can work with you to produce a personal statement that is memorable for all the right reasons.

Tell your Story in your ARTIST STATEMENT

Your artist statement is your beacon in the world of art—a powerful tool to illuminate your creative journey and showcase your work. It’s not just a document; it’s your voice when connecting with art galleries, connecting with curators and speaking with the press, as well as seeking for funds and residences. Having a well-crafted artist statement ready to share can make all the difference in how your art is perceived.

In this statement, you have the opportunity to paint a picture of your artistic practice and offer insights into your creative process. Its quality can shape how others view your work, making it essential to dedicate time and care to its creation.

Let’s collaborate to distill the essence of your artistic vision into words that captivate and resonate, ensuring that your artist statement stands as a compelling reflection of your creativity and passion.

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